GenBrain Review Summary
After reviewing Genbrain’s ingredients, dosages and side effect profile, we’re close to calling this nootropic a scam. Genbrain has just four ingredients, and we have no idea what the dosage is for any of them. While all proprietary blends are rip-offs, GenBrain is actually worse than most in that it doesn’t even tellus a total size for the blend! This means the four Genbrain ingredients could all be dosed at 1mg each and the rest of the capsule taken up with filler, and we’d be none the wiser!
Needless to say, we advise you to avoid wasting your money on cheap, scam brain pills like Genbrain. For less money than Genbrain you can buy a professional, full-spectrum nootropic full of generous doses of proven ingredients.
GenBrain Review: What does this brain supplement do?
GenBrain is not a new nootropic by any means. This brain supplement has been on the market for a long time. While it has remained relatively unknown for quite a few years, a number of positive GenBrain reviews posted recently on nootropics review sites have rekindled interest in the stack. A small number of tiny nootropics blogs even promote it as the best nootropic on the market right now. Information about Genbrain online is scarce; there is no official merchant site currently available for GenBrain. So we have to draw on what little info there is on GenBrain reviews and complaints online.
According to one GenBrain blog, this nootropic can:
- Boost focus
- Improve memory function
- Reduce brain fog
These are the three classic benefits claimed by the kind of nootropic stacks populr around the time that GenBrain first came out. The only branded GenBrain website still in existence looks a lot like other nootropics from that time too; same theme, same language, same stock images! Right from the off, we’re suspicious of this one!
So, does GenBrain really work? Is it legit? Is GenBrain safe? Are there better nootropics than GenBrain available to buy today? TRead our GenBrain review below to find out!
GenBrain Ingredients
What ingredients are in GenBrain?
This is the question that all GenBrain reviews need to focus on, as the ingredients dictate whether or not a nootropic actually works!
Here is the GenBrain ingredients list:
- Bacopa monnieri – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Ginkgo biloba – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Vinpocetine – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine – DOSE UNKNOWN
As you can see, there isn’t a lot we know about the GenBrain formula. There are no detailed images of the GenBrain label online, and no GenBrain reveiws go into any more detail than this regarding the ingredients. We actually cannot find a verified, official GenBrain official website; the only websites we have found are decades old and they still don’t display any information about the ingredients.
A warning about proprietary blends
While the exact GenBrain ingredients list is far from clear, what is clear is that GenBrain uses a proprietary blend. This is a serious issue. There is absolutely no good reason to use a proprietary blend. The best nootropics on sale today all have completely transparent formulas. Formula theft is not a serious issue.
So the only reason manufacturers actually disguise the formula is to hide from the end customer just how badly they’re being ripped off. That is exactly what we think GenBrain’s manufacturer is doing here. The GenBrain formula is most probably 99% ALCAR (the cheapest ingredient) and then a few micrograms of the other ingredients so they can technically be listed as ingredients. Stay away from proprietary blends!
We’ll now go through the GenBrain ingredients one by one. In each case we’ll explain what the ingredient does, how it works, and what the scientific evidence says about its use as a nootropic. We will then give you our verdict on the GenBrain formula as a whole. Please post any questions in the comments section at the end.
Bacopa monnieri – DOSE UNKNOWN
Bacopa monnieri is easily one of the best natural nootropics for memory in existence. Consuming Bacopa monnieri on a daily basis is extreemly effective for improving memory retantion, recall, and overall cognitive performance. Clinical trials show that supplementing with Bacopa monnieri for 6-12 weeks is particularly effective at improving memory function in older people with mild cognitive impairment (young healthy study participants also show significant improvements). This is why it is used in almost every top nootropic today, including Alpha Brain and Qualia Mind.
The minimum active dose of Bacopa monnieri is 150mg, and that’s when using a potent, high-bacoside extract. We have no idea how much is in GenBrain. But the very fact we don’t know and the fact GenBrian uses a basic leaf powder tells us that there isn’t a lot of Bacopa monnieri here!
Ginkgo biloba – DOSE UNKNOWN
Ginkgo biloba is a herb used in Chinese traditional medicine. While most “traditional medicines” turn out to have little to no use in reality, Ginkgo biloba is a highly effective nootropic proven to enhance cognitive performance and brain health. Ginkgo biloba contains two classes of compounds – terpenes and glycosides – which increase cerebral circulation. Terpenes increase blood viscosity, while glycosides trigger vasodilation. The end result is better oxygen and nutrient delivery to your brain cells, which means better cognitive function.
Once again though, there’s a problem with this GenBrain ingredient. There is a minimum active dose of Ginkgo biloba: approximately 75mg. Taking less than this per day is unlikely to produce significant improvements in memory, focus or mental clarity. We don’t know how much is in GenBrain but it’s probably not a lot!
Vinpocetine – DOSE UNKNOWN
Vinpocetine is one of the most under-appreciated natural nootropics on the market today. There is some disagreement over how vinpocetine actually works. Some people claim that it is a potent antioxidant. Others say that it increases cerebral circulation. The clinical evidence suggests that both of these theories are true to a degree. Vinpocetine likely works by acting as a neuroprotective agent, preventing oxidative damage and improving blood flow in the brain.
What is certain is that vinpocetine works. Several clinical trials have shown that vinpocetine reliably improves cognitive function across a number of measures, including focus, memory, learning, and even mood. However, to be effective vinpocetine must be taken for several weeks and months, which isn’t possible with GenBrain due to the inclusion of Huperzine A.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine – DOSE UNKNOWN
Acetyl-L-Carnitine, more commonly known as ALCAR, is often consumed as a sports performance enhancer because of its positive effects on energy levels. In simple terms, ALCAR improves the efficiency of your mitochondria; these are the “engines” of your cells. ALCAR makes these structures better at releasing energy from food. This is why people often consume ALCAR before training in a fasted or pre-exhausted state.
However, there are some big problems with GenBrain’s use of ALCAR. For one thing, ALCAR’s effects are subtle and mild – this is not a powerful cognitive enhancer. More worryingly, the minimum active dose of ALCAR is about 750mg. Because it is so cheap to buy in large amounts, it is often used as a filler in nootropics. We suspect a lot of GenBrain’s formula is ALCAR!
GenBrain Formula Analysis: Does this nootropic really work?
Overall, GenBrain looks like a poor nootropic. No matter how you look at it, GenBrain compares terribly against the best nootropics on the market today.
GenBrain’s formula is so bad that we think it may deserve the label “scam”!
The main problem with GenBrain is the fact that we don’t know the ingredient dosages. You wont find any information anywhere online talking about the GenBrain ingredients doses.
If we don’t know GenBrain ingredients doses, then we can’t be sure that the effective nootropics in the formula are actually going to work.
The use of ALCAR – an ingredient with no meaningful nootropic effects – is even more worrying. ALCAR is cheap to buy in large quantities, so we have to assume it is being used as a filler GenBrain ingredient. Why else would ALCAR be in a nootropic?
The problem is made worse by the fact that there doens’t seem to be one official GenBrain merchant website – HUGE RED FLAG!
Whatever way you look at it, GenBrain looks like an awful nootropic stack.
If your goal is to enhance focus and learning, or to promote memory and brain health over the long-term, better nootropics than GenBrain are available.
GenBrain Side Effects
Is GenBrain safe?
It is difficult to talk about the safety of GenBrain when we don’t know how any of the ingredients are dosed. We don’t even know the total formula size of GenBrain, so we don’t have an upper limit on what the ingredient doses could be!
However, on the other hand, all of the ingredients are natural nootropics which have been thoroughly tested in human clinical trials. All of the GenBrain ingredient have been deemed safe for human consumption in robust, independent studies.
Side effects from most of GenBrain’s ingredients are extremely rare and mild when they do occur. The only real GenBrain side effect risk is Huperzine A.
The side effects of using Huperzine A for extended periods include:
- Headaches
- Loss of focus
- Confusion
- Short-term memory loss
- Muscle cramps
As Huperzine A causes a build-up of acetylcholine in the brain, it will inevitably cause side effects. More acetylcholine is good, but too much is a problem. Your brain needs a way to get rid of excess acetylcholine, so you can only take GenBrain for periods of 2 weeks maximum.
We are not doctors and this is not medical advice. You must do your own research before using GenBrain, or any brain supplements for that matter. If you experience any GenBrain side effects, satop using it and seek medical attention immediately. If possible, let us know what GenBrain side effects you experienced in the comments section.
Is GenBrain FDA approved?
No, GenBrain is not FDA approved. No natural nootropics are FDA approved. The FDA does not regulate nutritional supplements like GenBrain and as such can neither approve nor ban GenBrain. The FDA does sometimes get involved with nutritional supplemens when they begin making claims about curing diseases.
Where to buy GenBrain?
GenBrain was exclusively sold on the manufacturers official website. However, GenBrain appears to be no longer up for sale. There arne’t any bottles of GenBrain for sale on Amazon or eBay, and there are no third party resellers offering any GenBrain through their websites either. It therefore looks like GenBrain has been discontinued and can no longer be bought from anywhere.
We strongly advise you against buying GenBrain from anywhere right now. Clearly GenBrain is no longer being sold by the manufacturer. Anywhere saying you can buy GenBrain from them is likely selling out of date of counterfeit goods.
This is why it is so important to always buy directly from the manufacturer when it comes to natural supplements like nootropics.
Is GenBrain a SCAM?
GenBrain looks a lot like a scam to us.
Proprietary blends, no total formula size given, and obvious filler ingredients all combine to make a complete rip-off of a nootropic supplement. We think the chances that GenBrain is mostly Acetyl-L-Carnitine is very high, meaning that it is nowhere near to being worth the massive $49.99 price tag. Our current top rated nootropic stack, NooCube, costs $29.99 when you buy the 6-month package. This should make it blindingly obvious what a rip-off scam GenBrain is – avoid at all costs!
Couple all of this with the fact that we cannot find an obvious official site for GenBrain – and a lot of suspiciously positive reviews – and this nootropic stack really starts to look like a scam.
GenBrain Review Conclusion: Is it legit?
Is GenBrain legit?
No, unfortunately not.
GenBrian is an awful nootropic. It doesn’t even look like the manufactruer has tried to make a good brain supplement with GenBrain; we think this stack was an outright scam from the off!
Proprietary blend, no total dosage size, an obvious filler ingredient, no official website, dodgy reseller sites – all the marks of a nootropic scam!
We strongly advise against buying GenBrain, assuming you can find anywhere to buy it from! If you’re interested in enhancing cognitive performance, then there are far better nootropic stacks available today than GenBrain. Use a high quality brain spplement with a transaprent formula.
Looking For Something That Really Works?
See Our Current #1 Rated Cognitive Enhancer: Nooceptin
Nooceptin is our current top rated nootropic. We tried Nooceptin ourselves and found that it works exactly as advertised. Taken together, the ingredients rapidly increase focus, accelerate mental processing speeds, and enhance working memory.
Nooceptin is a truly comprehensive nootropic, providing both immediate and long-term benefits. It does not cause side effects and is considerably better value than other nootropic stacks on the market today.
Nooceptin has been found to effectively:
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- ✔️ Improve Memory
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The really special thing about Nooceptin, however, is its long-term effects. When taken daily for prolonged periods, Nooceptin stimulates neuron growth and improves overall brain cell health. This means it enhances cognition in a deep, meaningful way that keeps giving you benefits after you stop using it.
Simply put, Nooceptin is the ideal brain supplement for people who need to mentally perform at 100% capacity for hours on end. At $69.99 per course, we think it's hard to find a more effective and cost-effective nootropic right now.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
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