Adderall is one of the most abused drugs in north America. In fact, Adderall is one of the most abused drugs in the world right now.
Students are turning to study drugs like Ritalin and Adderall in increasing numbers to ensure that they get the most out of their (exorbitantly expensive) degrees. So too are more and more programmers, traders, and developers all turning to Adderall and other study drugs – including over the counter Adderall alternatives – to deal with their demanding workloads.
Normal working hours are a thing of the past – as are regular employment contracts – so professionals like programmers and traders are increasingly reliant on drugs like Adderall to get everything done.
We strongly advise against the use of Adderall for the purposes of enhancing cognitive performance. Yet we know that many of you are going to use it anyway. So, it’s worth discussing what supplements to use with Adderall for optimal results.
What supplements should you take with Adderall?
Which supplements should you avoid taking with Adderall?
Let’s delve into this topic in a little more detail and find out.
12 Best Natural Supplements To Take With Adderall
The best supplements to take with Adderall are those supplements which will most effectively attenuate the side effects associated with Adderall use.
Trying to potentiate Adderall (make the effects stronger) with supplements is not a good idea under any circumstances. Adderall is an extremely powerful drug; it is a mixture of amphetamine salts designed for use under medical supervision only. You don’t need to make it any stronger!
But some supplements work well with Adderall as they can moderate some of the drug’s more powerful, less desirable effects and keep side effects to a minimum (although side effects are inevitable with a drug like Adderall).
So what are the best supplements to take with Adderall?
#1 – Best Supplement To Make Adderall More Effective: Vyvamind
Vyvamind is arguably the single best nootropic supplement to take with Adderall in existence today, especially if your goal is potentiating Adderall or making ADHD medications more effective. Vyvamind has been specifically created to act as a natural, over the counter alternative to Adderall, Vyvanse and other, similar ADHD medications and smart drugs. That said, its ingredients work incredibly well when used alongside synthetic nootropics and ADHD medications.
Users of Vyvamind experience the following benefits:
- Cleaner, sharper focus
- Increased attention span
- More mental energy and stamina
- Faster information processing speeds
- Reduced reaction times
- ‘Burn out’ protection
The combination of Tyrosine, Citicoline, Theanine and Caffeine make Vyvamind an ideal companion to any nootropics, including prescription nootropics like Adderall and Vyvanse. The added B vitamins in Vyvamind make it a great supplement for managing Adderall withdrawal and long-term brain health, while the large dose of theanine helps lower anxiety and stimulant side effects.
Learn more from our detailed review: Vyvamind review.
See latest deals and buy from the official website:
#2. Best For Reducing Adderall Side Effects: Nooceptin
Nooceptin is our current top-rated brain supplement overall due to its broad range of benefits, superb side effect profile and long-term effects. It is also one of the best supplements to take with Adderall thanks to its proven ability to protect brain cell health, reduce anxiety and stimulant-caused side effects, and to naturally enhance focus.
Nooceptin has been specifically designed to be an all-round cognitive enhancer. Its ingredients have all been found by clinical studies to significantly improve brain function in a specific way. More importantly, Nooceptin’s key active ingredients cause real brain cell growth and development as well as promoting optimal brain cell maintenance. This means Nooceptin can help protect your brain cells from the damage caused by chronic stimulant use.
Nooceptin can be taken alongside Adderall, Vyvanse or any other ADHD medications to help reduce side effects such as anxiety while simultaneously making those study aids more effective.
Click Here To Learn More About Nooceptin & Get The Best Prices.
#3. Great Supplement To Take With Adderall: NooCube
NooCube is the single best natural nootropic stack on the market right now, and it is easily one of the best supplements to take at the same time as Adderall. NooCube is a complete cognitive enhancer; each serving combines about a dozen clinically proven nootropics to deliver total brain optimization.
Among the main benefits of NooCube are increased focus and concentration, improved working memory, reduced anxiety and brain health support. This combination of brain health support, anxiety control and potent cognitive enhancement makes NooCube an ideal supplement to take at the same time as Adderall, or with any stimulant ADHD medications.
Users of NooCube can expect the following benefits:
- Cleaner, sharper focus
- Increased attention span
- More mental energy and stamina
- Faster information processing speeds
- Reduced reaction times
NooCube was designed as a daily, all-in-one nootropic. Its ingredients all work to enhance brain performance in different ways, with the end result being broadly improved mental functioning. A big part of how NooCube works is by encouraging brain cell development and neurotransmitter production in the brain. In particular, the large doses of Tyrosine and Huperzine A will ensure that your dopamine and acetylcholine levels remain elevated despite Adderall use (which is known to deplete these neurotransmitters).
NooCube also promotes neuron health, growth and development through the use of Bacopa monnieri (stimulates dendrite branching), B Vitamins (for neuron maintenance), Cat’s Claw (linked to reduced beta-amyloid plaque build-up) and Alpha-GPC. All of this is crucial to help prevent the damage that can be caused by chronic Adderall use over long periods of time. As an added bonus, NooCube contains Lutemax to help protect your eyes from blue light and screen strain.
Learn more from our detailed review: NooCube review.
See latest deals and buy from the official website:
4. L-Theanine
Generally speaking, when taking any CNS stimulants, it is wise to take some form of L-Theanine. This amino acid can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and promote deep, restful sleep. Generally speaking, L-Theanine and Adderall should work very well together, just as L-Theanine works well with caffeine (although Adderall and caffeine have different effects).
5. Magnesium
Taking magnesium and Adderall togeher is one of the best way to minimize the side effects of the ADHD drug without interfering with its efficacy. Magnesium reduces neuronal excitability, effectively suppressing excessive brain activity. It also helps relax the muscles, lower blood pressure, and by extension, promote healthy sleep patterns. All of these things are important if you plan on using Adderall; without magnesium, you can easily be left feeling agitated, tense, anxious, and unable to sleep. The best magnesium to take with Adderall is magnesium bisglycinate (based on available clinical and anecdotal evidence).
6. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is one of the most reliable and effective natural anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) supplements in existence. For this reason, it makes a great supplement to take with Adderall. Ashwagandha primarily works by suppressing blood cortisol levels. Cortisol is your primary “stress” hormone. It is extremely useful when released in response to damage or a threat, much like norepinephrine, but chronically elevated cortisol is physically and mentally crippling (again just like norepinephrine). By suppressing cortisol, ashwagandha can drastically reduce both symptoms and actual feelings of stress and anxiety.
7. L-Tyrosine
Tyrosine is an amino acid with some very interesting physiological effects. Most notably, Tyrosine and anxiety have a close relationship. Tyrosine is a building block of dopamine. When using Adderall, you are likely to deplete all of your dopamine. If you’re using Adderall on even a semi-regular basis, then you are likely to damage your dopamine receptors (there’s nothing you can really do to reverse this quickly). But for infrequent users, Tyrosine can help prevent the kind of “dopamine crashes” that Adderall produces.
Learn more: Tyrosine and Adderall
8. Vitamin C
Vitamin C seems to reduce blood levels of Adderall. The likeliest explanation for this is that Vitamin C somehow inhibits the uptake of Adderall in the gut. The exact reason for this is not clear, but it is an incredibly reliable effect observed in numerous clinical trials. Hindering the absorption of Adderall can help reduce the chances of experiencing side effects, particularly if you are an inexperienced user.
Taking Vitamin C can also help with the fatigue and sickly feeling that follows Adderall use. It is best to take Vitamin C before you take Adderall and again the day after use. A diet rich in Vitamin C will remove the need to take supplements.
Learn more: Vitamin C and Adderall.
9. Omega 3/Fish Oil
One consequence of long-term Adderall use is chronic inflammation. Chronic Adderall use can also lead to brain cell degradation over time, as your neurons become overused due to the increased CNS activity, and their dendrite banches slowly wither away. One of the best ways to protect against this and to promote neuron recovery is to take omega 3 supplements like fish oil or krill oil with your Adderall. Supplementing with fish oil protects against Adderall-induced brain cell damage over long periods of time and helps fight chronic, systemic inflammation.
10. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most popular supplements taken at the same time as Adderall. This is partly because many people take Vitamin D everyday anyway, and some of them happen to also be Adderall users. However, if you aren’t taking Vitamin D but you do have an Adderall prescription, you may want to think about adding this vitamin to your daily diet. Vitamin D is broadly beneficial for supporting healthy brain and cardiovascular function. This makes it a great vitamin to take with Adderall, as the drug can take a toll on both the brain and the heart.
11. Citicoline/Alpha-GPC
Citicoline is a powerful cholinergic. This means it raises choline levels in the brain, which in turn means you can make more acetylcholine (a vital neurotransmitter) and phosphatidylcholine (a fundamental building block of brain cells). Supplementing with citicoline has also been found to promote long-term brain health and potentially protect against brain injuries. If you’re using Adderall to increase focus and mental processing speeds, then citicoline is a perfect supplement to take at the same time. Alpha-GPC is another option; this compound is very similar to Citicoline, except it also contain phospholipids which support brain cell formation and maintenance.
12. B Vitamins
B vitamins are essential when taking ADHD medications such as Adderall, Vyvanse or Concerta. Vitamins such as B12, B9, B6 and B3 all have a broad range of roles in the human body. Generally speaking, these vitamins are essential for energy metabolism, nerve cell growth and maintenance, red blood cell formation, and overall cognitive function. Taing B12 and B6 with Adderall can help make the drug more effective while also helping to make withdrawal easier and less prone to causing side effects.
Getting The Nootropic Benefits of Adderall with Supplements
You may be wondering how to maximize the benefits of Adderall and what to do to make it work for you.
It is best to take it in the morning. Others prefer to have it mid-day. You should ensure that you have a full stomach before you start to take it.
After taking Adderall, you should drink lots of water. This will make your body absorb the drug better and flush it out. It is an appetite suppressant and may help you lose unwanted fats.
Adderall is most effective when you don’t consume too much caffeine. Doing so might make you feel jittery and it can make you feel tired. At the same time, using Adderall with intelligent doses of caffeine and other supplements like nootropics can massively improve your experience on the drug.
You must take Adderall exactly as directed. It is important to take the correct dosage at the right time. You should always take the recommended dosage if you are taking Adderall for the first time. Talk to your doctor if you are taking Adderall as part of a prescription to avoid any interactions with other medications.
You want to ensure that you are getting the most out of Adderall. It is important to use Adderall in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise routine, and other supplements.
Using supplements with Adderall can greatly enhance the nootropic benefits of the medication while also attenuating side effects. The best supplements to take with Adderall are precisely those that maximize its beneficial effects while reducing negative side effects.
Using Adderall and Nootropics Safely
We do not recommend the use of Adderall for any other purpose than the treatment of ADHD, conducted under the supervision of a qualified medical doctor.
Using Adderall as a nootropic to improve focus, learning, or productivity is a terrible idea as the potential costs drastically outweigh any potential benefits. This is even more obvious when you consider that there are lots of over the counter Adderall alternatives out there capable of delivering all the benefits of the study drug with none of the risks. We are talking about natural nootropic supplements – and some pharmaceutical-grade smart drugs – which have similar effects to Adderall and other ADHD medications.
If you insist on using Adderall, then it is wise to take Adderall with supplements known to attenuate some of the more powerful effects of the drug and keep the risks of side effects to a minimum (as far as that is possible with Adderall). But with so many high quality brain supplements available, we don’t see why anybody would take the risk with Adderall!
It is crucial that you research the nootropics you intend to take with Adderall carefully to make sure that they do not also interact with other medicatons you might be taking, such as anti-depressants. You also needto make sure that the nootropic supplements taken with Adderall mitigate the side effects but to not reduce the effectiveness of the drug, as this might leave you with more severe ADHD symptoms.
Adderall Interactions with Supplements
Adderall has not been found to interact negatively with any supplements. No interactions were found between Adderall and vitamins, including Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and niacin (B3).
Adderall has also never been found to negatively interact with any minerals commonly found in multivitamin or nootropic supplement stacks. No interactions were found between Adderall and Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc.
Perhaps more importantly, Adderall is not thought to interact negatively with any commonly used nootropics, including omega 3 supplements, krill oil and fish oil. In fact, as mentioned above, many natural nootropics are great to take alongside Adderall and other ADHD/ADD medications as they enhance benefits while suppressing side effects.
Best Adderall Supplement Stack in 2023
What is the best Adderall stack for maximizing results while minimizing side effects of the ADHD medication?
First of all, we need to say that it is vital that you tak to your doctor before taking any other supplements with your ADD/ADHD medication, including Adderall, Adderall XR, Strattera, Concerta or Ritalin. Even if you only intend to take natural nootropics and multivitamins with your Adderall, your doctor needs to know before you take them.
With that said, there are some supplement combinations that will work better with Adderall than others. In our opinion, the best Adderall stack is one which prioritises reducing the negative side effects of Adderall without interfering with its activity.
Therefore, the best supplement stack to take alongside Adderall is one which provides some combination of Theanine, Tyrosine, Magnesium, Rhodiola rosea, and large doses of key B vitamins. A combination of 2 of 3 of these nootropics should help enhance the beneficial effcts of Adderall while minimizing side effects and withdrawals.
Our #1 Rated OTC Study Aid: Vyvamind
Vyvamind is our top rated over the counter study aid. This nootropic stack is easily the best supplement for quickly enhancing focus, increasing processing speeds and boosting mental energy that money can buy. Vyvamind has been purposefully designed to offer you a broad spectrum of cognitive enhancements without you needing to have a prescription, and without worrying about the side effects that come with using synthetic smart drugs and prescription ADHD medications like Vyvanse and Adderall.
The benefits of using Vyvamind include:
- 100% legal and available OTC
- No need for prescription
- Rapidly sharpens focus and boosts concentration
- Increases mental energy and stamina
- Safe and side effect-free
If you are considering using powerful study drugs or synthetic nootropic stimulants, then it is defintiely worth considering Vyvamind. We tried this nootropic and it genuinely goes a long way to replicating the effects of pharmaceutical-grade study drugs but without the negative side effects.
Adderall Supplement FAQs
Should you take a B vitamin complex with Adderall?
It is a good idea to take a B vitamin complex with Adderall since the drug can cause the wear and tear of your neurons and deplete dopamine levels over time. A good B vitamin complex – high in B6 and B12 – should help prevent these two negative effects of Adderall.
Should you take omega 3 with Adderall?
Yes, you should try to take a high quality omega 3 supplement while taking Adderall. Omega 3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatories, and they promote neuron growth and repair. Taing omega 3 while taking Adderall can help mitigate some of the long-term adverse effects of the drug.
Does Vitamin C neutralize ADHD medication?
Yes, the ascorbic acid in vitamin C can neutralize medicines used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including Adderall. This makes Vitamin C both a great and terrible drug to take with Adderall, depending on your goals!
Does Adderall use cause any nutrient deficiency?
Yes, Adderall can cause nutrient deficiencies. There is no one way that drugs cause nutritional deficiencies. In the case of Adderall, the drug causes deficiencies mainly by suppressing appetite and changing eating patterns. It is a good idea to take a good multivitamin while using Adderall.
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Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
Do not take vitamin c with Adderall. It diminishes the effects. If you’re on too high of a dose and feeling side effects, lower your dose. Don’t supplement even more pills for your kidney and liver to process. What kind of medical professional with a doctorate just promotes even more pills to combat the ones they are already taking. JUST LOWER YOUR DOSE OF ADDERALL.