- Unlikely to cause side effects
- Stim-free so suitable for stacking with coffee
- Large dose of Bacopa monnieri will improve memory function
- Very generous dose of Tyrosine will boost motivation and clarity
- Uses high quality Alpha-GPC for cholinergic
- Huperzine A requires cycling
- Alpha-GPC dose lower than optimal
NooCube Review Summary
NooCube is easily one of the best all-in-one nootropic stacks on the market today. It provides support for every aspect of cognitive performance: focus, working memory, processing speeds, reaction times, anxiety control, overall brain health – in other words, everything! It boosts productivity and motivation while supporting memory function over many months and years too. NooCube works better the longer you take it, which is exactly how well-designed nootropics should work. We recommend using NooCube for at least 3 months to let the long-term ingredients really get to work. That said, it isn’t perfect – NooCube needs constant cycling and cholinergic doses are quite low compared to the likes of Nooceptin and Vyvamind.
NooCube Review: What is NooCube?
NooCube is a leading nootropic stack that has been around for a goodfew years now. Many professional nootropic analysis and research sites rate NooCube very highly; a large number recommend it as the best nootropic stack on the market today. According to the NooCube website, it is a comprehensive, all-in-one nootropic, delivering total cognitive enhancement, mood support, and anti-anxiety effects.
More specifically, NooCube promises to deliver the following core benefits:
- Enhanced cognitive function
- Increased concentration and focus
- Better learning and memory function
- More mental energy
- Multitasking support
But as most of you will know, practically every nootropic, brain supplement and energy pills out there claims to do all of these things now. In reality, almost none of them can actually deliver. Does Noocube really work?
Is Noocube a good nootropic? Will it cause side effects? Can you take Noocube every day? Is it the best nootropic for you? What are some Noocube alternatives? Read our detailed Noocube review below for answers to all of these questions and more.
Noocube Ingredients
What is in Noocube?
Here is a complete list of the Noocube ingredients and doses:
- Vitamin B1 – 1.1mg
- Vitamin B7 – 50mcg
- Vitamin B12 – 2.5mcg
- Bacopa monnieri -250mg
- L-Tyrosine – 250mg
- Cat’s claw extract – 175mg
- Oat straw extract – 150mg
- L-Theanine – 100mg
- Alpha-GPC – 50mg
- Huperzia serrata (0.5% Huperzine A) – 20mg
- Lutemax 2020® – 20mg
- Resveratrol 99% – 14.3mg
- Pterostilbene – 140mcg
In case that image isn’t clear enough, here is an image of the Noocube ingredients list as shown on the label:
We will now go through the Noocube ingredients one by one, explaining what they are, what they do, and whether they have any place in a nootropic stack. If you have any questions about the ingredients in Noocube, please post them in the comments section at the end. We will discuss the side effects of Noocube’s ingredients in a section below.
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B7, and Vitamin B12 – 100% RDI+
B vitamins are frequently used in nootropic stacks because of their important and wide-ranging roles in maintaining proper brain fuction. B12 is vital for the maintenance of nerve cells. B12, B1 and B7 are all essential for metabolizing carbohydrates and releasing energy from food. Supplementing with B vitamins is known to promote mental energy and long-term cognitive performance. Deficiencies are rare but they do happen; B1 deficiencies are common in alcoholics and B12 deficiencies common in vegans. If you are a heavy drinker or you eat a predominantly plant-based diet, supplementing with these B vitamins can improve cognition. In any case, these are great ingredients for a daily nootropic stack.
Bacopa monnieri – 250mg
Bacopa monnieri is one of the best natural nootropics for memory in existence. This herb native to India has been used for millenia as a cognitive enhancer. Recent research shows that unlike many “traditional medicines”, Bacopa monnieri actually works! It is one of the most common ingredients in all-in-one brain supplements today for this very reason.
Studies show that Bacopa monnieri significantly improves memory retention and recall. Bacopa monnieri starts to work in as little as 6 weeks, but studies show the best results when used daily for 12 weeks or more. The results are always more pronounced in older people with mild cognitive impairment. NooCube provides 250mg, which is a significant dose, and right in line with the doses used in clinical trials. Most of the clinical trials that reported huge benefits from Bacopa monnieri used 250-300mg per day.
L-Tyrosine – 250mg
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid and an incredible natural brain supplement. Tyrosine is a basic building block of the neurotransmitter dopamine – the brain chemical responsible for motivation, drive, confidence and overall cognitive function. Supplementing with Tyrosine is known to increase dopamine levels in the brain, which in turn increases motivation, drive and promotes a positive mood.
NooCube delivers a substantial 250mg dose of L-Tyrosine per serving. This is more than you need to take per day to see significant improvements in productivity, motivation and mood. This is one of the most effective nootropics for boosting motivation, focus and mood, so it is great to see so much in this stack.
Cat’s claw extract – 175mg
According to the makers of NooCube, Cat’s Claw extract is a powerful, proven natural nootropic. The Noocube ingredients page says that Cat’s Claw is “believed to have neuroprotective benefits”, that it “contains antioxidants, and can help improve your brain health and cognitive performance.” There is definitely some truth to these claims; studies have found that Cat’s Claw is indeed rich in potent antioxidants and it appears to both bolster the immune system and promote brain cell repair.
NooCube also claim that there is evidence Cat’s Claw extracts may be effective in treating Alzheimer’s disease! This is an outlandish claim, but surprisingly there is some scientific evidence to back it up. One study found that Cat’s Claw was a powerful reducer and inhibitor of brain plaques and tangles in rats. For those that don’t know, researchers believe that beta-amyloid plaques in the brain are largely responsible for the symptoms which characterize Alzheimer’s Disease. More research is needed of course, but if Cat’s Claw can indeed inhibit these plaques, it may be a strong natural defence against age related memory loss.
Oat straw extract – 150mg
Oat Straw extract is a very popular ingredient in natural anxiety supplements and sleep aids due to its ability to reduce anxiety levels, improve stress resistance and improve symptoms of depression. Multiple studies show that supplementing with Oat Straw can improve mood and fight anxiety. While there is some disagreement over how it does it, some clinical research suggests oat straw may work by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4). Inhibiting PED4 is known to lower stress levels and improve mood. On top of this, a study conducted on rats found that oat straw extract may act as an adaptogen, making your more resilient to stress over the long-term.
Aside from lowering stress and anxiety levels, oat straw extracts have also been found to have potent nootropic effects. Multiple clinical trials have shown that supplementing with potent oat straw extracts can improve focus, attention, learning and mental clarity. NooCube provides 150mg per serving. This is a large enough dose to deliver all of the benefits associated with this NooCube ingredient if taken every day for several weeks.
L-Theanine – 100mg
L-Theanine is an amino acid with some powerful nootropic benefits. It is one of the most widely used ingredients in both cognitive enhancers and energy supplements. Supplementing with L-Theanine has been shown in multiple clinical trials to reduce stress and anxiety, help clear brain fog, and improve mental energy levels.
Taking Theanine is also known to counteract the side effects of caffeine and to promote deep, restful sleep. NooCube gives us 100mg of Theanine per serving. This dose of Theanine will be effective for reducing anxiety levels, promoting mental clarity, and reducing the side effects of caffeine.
Alpha-GPC – 50mg
Alpha-GPC is unarguably one of the best nootropics for focus, productivity and learning in existence. This compound quickly raises acetylcholine levels in the brain, which supports all-round executive cognitive function, including focus, learning, information processing, reaction times, and more. It even improves mind-muscle connection, making it a great nootropic for athletic performance and training. Long-term Alpha-GPC use promotes brain cell formation, supports memory function and may be effective for slowing the onset of age-related cognitive decline.
NooCube contains 50mg of Alpha-GPC per serving. This is less than some nootropic stacks give per daily dose. However, NooCube also contains a relatively large dose of Huperzine A. As we’ll discuss next, Huperzine A also works to rapidly raise acetylcholine levels in the brain. Combining a large dose of this nootropic with a large dose of Alpha-GPC makes side effects more likely without conferring extra benefits. So NooCube have gone with a lower dose of Alpha-GPC; enough to provide long-term focus, memory and brain health support but not so much as to risk side effects!
Huperzia serrata (0.5% Huperzine A) – 20mg
Huperzia serrata is a unique source of a compound called Huperzine A. This is the active part of this ingredient, and we’re told that each serving of Noocube contains 100mcg. The dose of Huperzine A in Noocube isn’t that important, as even tiny amounts of this NooCube ingredient can have significant, noticeable effects on focus, mental clarity and processing speeds. Huperzine A works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme breaks down acetylcholine between neurotransmitters. Supplementing with Huperzine A leads to a steady buildup of acetylcholine in the brain, leading to significantly better learning capacity, faster processing speeds, and enhanced working memory. This is one of the fastest-acting NooCube ingredients, delivering almost immediate benefits.
Lutemax 20/20® – 20mg
Lutemax is a branded lutein supplement. Lutein is typically supplemented to promote eye health and visual acuity. Studies show that taking lutein supplements may help prevent macular degeneration. It is highly unusual to see a nootropic stack like NooCube using an ingredient like Lutemax. However, it is a welcome addition.
For starters, lutein is much more than an eye supplement. Studies have found that increased macular pigment optical density in the eye correlated to improved visual memory, focus and reasoning ability. Since lutein increases macular pigment density, you can reason that lutein also improves visual memory and focus. It is also true that many nootropics users could also benefit enormously from some eye support. Whether it’s eye strain protection or visual enhancement to help with sports performance, many of the people who look for NooCube’s nootropic benefits will also benefit from added lutein.
Resveratrol 99% – 14.3mg
Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables, with the best natural source being red grapes (resveratrol is the reason some people say red wine is good for you). It is also found in blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and other berries. Antioxidants prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals, pollutants, and simple bodily processes. This small amount of damage can impair cell function over the long-term, including brain cell function. Clinical trials show that resveratrol may not only protect against cognitive decline, but may even prolong life.
NooCube contains a very large dose of Resveratrol. There is actually more resveratrol in NooCube than in some standalone resveratrol supplements. This is excellent and adds a great deal to NooCube’s value for money!
Pterostilbene – 140mcg
Pterostilbene is a synthetic form of resveratrol said to be stronger and more bioavailable. This NooCube ingredient was no doubt added to cover more bases than you can using resveratrol alone.
Pterostilbene is said to be a better nootropic-specific antioxidant than resveratrol as it can more easily pass the blood-brain barrier. The clinical evidence does indeed confirm that this is the case; pterostilbene finds it far easier to cross into the brain than resveratrol, making it more effective for supporting long-term brain cell health. NooCube contains a very generous serving of pterostilbene. Together with the resveratrol, NooCube appears to be one exceptionally powerful antioxidant stack and a great nootropic for preserving brain health long-term.
NooCube Formula Analysis: Our thoughts on the ingredients & doses
NooCube is a very strong nootropic stack overall. It manages to achieve a great deal while keeping costs and side effect risks to a minimum, and without having to rely on caffeine or other sitmulants to get results. With just a dozen ingredients, NooCube manages to enhance every aspect of brain function and promote long-term brain cell health and development. Most impressively of all, it does so for a very reasonable price and in such a way as to be conducive to rather than hazardous to overall good brain health.
What makes NooCube our top rated nootropic over other powerful stacks such as Mind Lab Pro, Qualia Mind or Alpha Brain is the fact that it has some serious immediate effects as well as providing excellent memory and brain cell support on a much longer time scale. So while the Huperzine A, Tyrosine and Alpha-GPC provide an immediate surge of focus and mental clarity, the large doses of Bacopa monnieri, Cat’s Claw and Pterostilbene help prevent memory loss and cognitive decline as you get older.
In short, the benefits of taking NooCube daily include:
- Enhanced memory function
- Sharper focus
- Increased concentration & mental stamina
- Improved learning
- Increased motivation
- Reduced stress & anxiety
- Brain cell protection
- Long-term brain development support
This is a true all-in-one cognitive enhancer. Too many nootropic stacks today focus either puely on short-term benefits or long-term memory function. NooCube does both, and for an incredibly competitive price per bottle.
All-in-all, NooCube has a complete formula. For those of you looking for total brain support, NooCube is a great choice for a daily nootropic stack.
-Learn More From The Official NooCube Website-
Our experience with Noocube: Does it really work?
Our review team tried NooCube for 4 weeks. Each one of them reported being blown away by how effective NooCube actually was in practice. While we expected good things after analyzing the ingredients, it is still rare to find a nootropic stack that delivers a noticeable ‘boost’ like NooCube does.
The biggest surprise for us was how quickly NooCube started to work. Unlike many of the natural nootropics we have tested and reviewed on this site, NooCube actually worked right away.
Within about 2 hours of taking NooCube, every single member of our research team was experiencing dramatically sharper focus, faster processing speeds, better working memory, and overall enhanced cognitive performance. This was no doubt down to the combination of Alpha-GPC and Huperzine A we get from NooCube.
After the 4 week trial of NooCube, our review team all felt that their memory was significantly sharper and clearer than before the trial began.
For the 4-5 hours after taking NooCube each day we all also felt considerably more focused and ‘locked in’ to our work. Not only that, but our work was much more productive and generally far less hampered by errors and lapses in memory. We believe the large dose of Bacopa monnieri would make these improvements in working memory much more pronounced if we’d carried on for 4 more weeks (Bacopa is most effective when used for 8-12 weeks and more).
Perhaps the most notable thing about our NooCube experience – the thing that really sets this stack apart for us – is the way it clears through brain fog. Taking NooCube every morning completely removed the brain fog that usually makes the first few hours of the day unproductive. Better still, our nootropic evaluation team all found that NooCube kept brain fog away right the way through the day, leaving us with pristine mental clarity and laser-sharp focus right into the evening.
Overall then, our experience with NooCube was really quite good. The NooCube formula is far from perfect, but in terms of real, practical results, we think this is easily one of the best nootropics we’ve ever come across. We think a lot of people would benefit from taking NooCube on a daily basis, especially if done over the long-term.
Noocube FAQs
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we see posted about Noocube. If you have any questions about Noocube not already answered on this page, please post them in the comments section at the end and we’ll get right back to you with an answer.
How long does it take for Noocube to work?
NooCube starts to work in as little as 30 minutes, giving you increased mental clarity and enhanced focus. Looking at the ingredients, we think it’s likely NooCube will indeed work that fast for most users. The Alpha-GPC and Huperzine A should stat working right away, and the Theanine and Tyrosine should work within a couple of hours.
Does Noocube give you energy?
Yes, Noocube does give you energy…mental energy at least. Noocube does not contain any natural stimulants such as caffeine or theobromine. However, many users will find that the combination of B vitamins, Theanine and Tyrosine in NooCube significantly increases their mental stamina and sharpness while decreasing lethargy and fatigue.
How does NooCube make you feel?
NooCube makes users feel more alert, focused, and relaxed all at the same time. By enhancing cognition while promoting a positive mood, NooCube has become one of the best-selling nootropic stacks of all time.
Is NooCube backed by clinical research?
Yes, NooCube is made of 13 nootropic ingredients which are all backed by high quality clinical studies.
Who manufactures NooCube?
NooCube is manufactured by Wolfson Brands. The are an English company with a lot of expertise in creating specialist supplements. NooCube is manufactured in the UK and shipped internationally.
Where can I buy NooCube?
NooCube can only be bought from the official website. It is not sold on Amazon, Walmart, or any other third party retail platform. NooCube is not available in stores. It must be bought online from the official website run by Wolfson.
Does Noocube work for ADHD?
Yes, NooCube can help with ADHD. Some of the ingredients in Noocube are effective for reducing some of the worst symptoms of ADHD, such as impulsive behaviors, lack of focus and low motivation. In particular, the Theanine and Tyrosine have been found to be helpful for reducing some symptoms of ADHD. Combined with caffeine, NooCube is likely highly effective for fighting key ADHD symptoms. However, Noocube cannot help people with diagnosed ADHD.
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NooCube Side Effects: Is this nootropic safe?
Noocube is thought to be a safe product and does not pose any serious risks to your health. None of the ingredients in Noocube are thought to be dangerous. However, taking Noocube daily is potentially unsafe and likely to cause side effects. This is due to the Huperzine A content.
Huperzine A can cause moderate to severe side effects as it causes a rapid build-up of acetylcholine in the brain. The side effects asscoated with daily Huperzine A use include headaches, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, low focus, lethargy, depression, confusion, and insomnia.
To avoid these side effects while taking Noocube, it is crucial to take regular breaks from the nootropic every 7-10 days. After 3 cycles, take a prolonged break from Noocube to let your acetylcholine levels return to normal.
Aside from the Huperzine A, none of the Noocube ingredients are thought to pose health and safety risks, even with long-term, daily use.
Is Noocube FDA approved?
Makers of NooCube claim the manufacturing process to be carried out in FDA-approved facilities using all-natural ingredients only. But Noocube itself is not FDA approved. No dietary supplements are FDA approved as they are not drugs or pharmaceutical agents.
NooCube Price & Discounts
How much does NooCube cost?
The answer is, not very much! NooCube is easily the best value nootropic you can buy right now. A single bottle of NooCube costs $59.99 when youn purchase one bottle. This is a fairly standard price for a comprehensive brain supplement (Mind Lab Pro costs $69.99 and Qualia Mind costs almost $100).
But incredibly, NooCube’s price comes down to just $29.99 per bottle when you purchase the 3 bottle deal as you get 3 bottles for free.
Choosing this deal gets NooCube down to under $1 per day.
This is absolutely incredible for such a potent nootropic with the kind of broad benefits offered by NooCube.You get the same beenfits offered by Qualia Mind for a third of the price!
NooCube Discount Codes?
Are there any NooCube coupon codes or discount codes?
The answer is no. There are no disocunt codes for NooCube. Purchasing directly from the manufacturer already means that you can make huge savins when buying multiple bottles of NooCube at once.
NooCube Customer Reviews: What do other people say? is replete with positive reviews from satisfied customers. Generally, Noocube testimonials say that the supplement works as advertised to support cognition in various ways.
Here are some of the NooCube critiques posted at various places online:
We strongly recommend checking out a broad range of Noocube testimonials (including complaints) posted on places like Trustpilot, Amazon, etc. before you purchase. Looking at user experiences – both good and bad – can give you a rough idea of what you can expect from a supplement. However, you do need to be aware that many Noocube reviews you read online will be biased or misleading. Your average user will not be trying Noocube in a controlled, scientific manner. Some will have an incentive to appraise Noocube positively; others will be paid to post Noocube complaints online.
How long does Noocube take to ship?
NooCube is only available for purchase from the brand’s official website. How long Noocube takes to ship depends, obviously, on where you are ordering it from. Being a UK-based company, the supplement is shipped worldwide from the UK and may take two to three weeks for delivery, depending on where you order from.
NooCube Review Conclusion: Is Noocube really effective?
On the whole, we think NooCube is actually quite a good nootropic stack.
NooCube covers every aspect of cognitive function and brain health while also giving users a pronounced, rapid increase in focus, processing speed and reaction times.
A big benefit of NooCube is the large dose of Tyrosine we get in each serving. We noticed a huge increase in motivation and productivity while taking NooCube, no doubt due to the Tyrosine.
This, combined with the Huperzine A, Alpha-GPC and Theanine, we actually have a pretty comprehensive nootropic here for a very reasonable price.
If you’re looking for a nootropic stack which quickly increase concentration, focus and processing speeds without relying on caffeine, then you are going to be very happy with NooCube. On top of that, we get long-term memory support and brain cell protection from the antioxidanyts.
At $29.99 a bottle, you aren’t going to beat NooCube on value for money. This is why we currently recommend NooCube to anyone looking for a safe, comprehensive, daily nootropic stack that doesn’t rip you off!
Looking For Something That Really Works?
See Our Current #1 Rated Cognitive Enhancer: Nooceptin
Nooceptin is our current top rated nootropic. We tried Nooceptin ourselves and found that it works exactly as advertised. Taken together, the ingredients rapidly increase focus, accelerate mental processing speeds, and enhance working memory.
Nooceptin is a truly comprehensive nootropic, providing both immediate and long-term benefits. It does not cause side effects and is considerably better value than other nootropic stacks on the market today.
Nooceptin has been found to effectively:
- ✔️ Boost Overall Cognitive Function
- ✔️ Improve Memory
- ✔️ Enable Better Communication
- ✔️ Enhance Concentration
- ✔️ Improve Multi-tasking
- ✔️ Boost Mental Energy
The really special thing about Nooceptin, however, is its long-term effects. When taken daily for prolonged periods, Nooceptin stimulates neuron growth and improves overall brain cell health. This means it enhances cognition in a deep, meaningful way that keeps giving you benefits after you stop using it.
Simply put, Nooceptin is the ideal brain supplement for people who need to mentally perform at 100% capacity for hours on end. At $69.99 per course, we think it's hard to find a more effective and cost-effective nootropic right now.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
Dear Brian,
Thank you for the very informative article. Hope you could help with this question. You mentioned
“In any case, there are better nootropics for helping with ADHD-like symptoms, such as low focus and concentration, difficulties with learning, and low motivation”
Could you give some names of these better nootropics?
Thank you very much
Taking Huperzine A causes a buildup of acetylcholine, which very quickly sharpens focus, boosts concentration and speeds up mental processing. It can cause side effects though, so cycling is necessary. What does cycling mean?
Cycling means taking periodic breaks before taking the supplement again. An example of a cycle might be taking Noocube every day for 4 weeks,taking a week break, then using it for another 4 weeks. After 3 cycles, you’d ideally want to take a prolonged break of 2-3 weeks before starting again.
I have several questions.
-Has there been feedback/studies from Seniors who experience cognitive decline?
(Are there any Seniors on your review team?)
-You recommended taking NooCube for 4 weeks and then taking a break.
But you also said to get maximum benefit from Bacopa monnieri needed to take it daily for 12 weeks.
Not sure how to do both? Do I need a separate supplement for Bacopa during break from NooCube?
-so many scams on-line nowadays
How can I be sure that this is a company I can trust?
Could you help my understand why Huperzine A consumed daily in this nootropic is ok, but that isn’t true for genius consciousness?
Aren’t the effective doses indentical?