Youthful Brain
- Uses several proven cognitive enhancers
- Proprietary blend - NO DOSES GIVEN!
- Proprietary blends are ALWAYS a scam
- Blend is not large enough for all ingredients to be dosed properly
- Huperzine A needs to be cycled and can cause side effects
- Missing several ingredients that make a great nootropic
Youthful Brain Review Summary
Youthful Brain is a complete rip-off. There’s no doubt about that. Whenever you see a proprietary blend, you’re being ripped off. The only reason Vitality Now Youthful Brain uses a proprietary blend is to disguise the fact that the formula is stuffed full of one ingredient. The total dose is just 280mg, which is barely enough to cover the Bacopa monnieri; the Phosphatidylserine and Ginkgo biloba doses are going to be miniscule here. There are much bettr nootropics out there right now than Vitality Now Youthful Brain!
Vitality Now Youthful Brain Review: Is this a good nootropic?
Youthful Brain is a popular brain supplement from Vitality Now. This brand makes specialist biohacking supplements, including a greens powder, an anti-ageing supplement, and an anti-inflammatory stack.
According to Vitality Now, Youthful Brain delivers some really interesting benefits:
- Improved memory retention and recall
- Fewer memory lapses
- Improved movitation, mood and “enthusiasm”
- Faster learning
- Better brain health
Vitality Now tell a really interesting story about their supplements, including Youthful Brain. They talk a lot about using “ancient secrets” to power their stacks; there’s talk of Tibetan monks and “ancient cultures”. All interesting stuff.
But the real question is, does Youthful Brain really work? Is it safe or will it cause side effects? Is Vitality Now Youthful Brain the best nootropic for memory and brain health? Read our Youthful Brain review below to find out!
Youthful Brain Ingredients: What is in this nootropic?
What are the ingredients in Youthful Brain?
This is the most pressing questions for Vitality Now Youthful Brain reviews to answer. It is the ingredients that make a nootropic and nothing else!
Here is the Youthful Brain ingredients list as it appears on the bottle:
In case that image isn’t clear, here is a list of Youthful Brain’s ingredients and dosages:
- Vitamin B12 – 1000mcg
- Bacopa monnieri extract (50% bacosides) – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Phosphatidylserine – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (24% glycosides, 6% terpenes) – DOSE UNKNOWN
- Huperzine A – DOSE UNKNOWN
As you can see, most of the Vitality Now Youthful Brain ingredients are lumped together in a proprietary blend which they call “The Clear Mind Formula”. Proprietary blends are always a HUGE red flag. Manufacturers only use proprietary blends when they’re trying to hide a low quality formula.
We’ll now go through each Youthgul Brain ingredient in more detail. If you have any questions about the Youthful Brain ingredients or dosages, post it in the comments section at the end.
Vitamin B12 – 1000mcg
Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient with some extremely important roles in the body. B12 is needed for the proper functioning of your nerve cells, for energy metabolism, and for the making of red blood cells. B12 is routinely used in high-quality nootropic stacks because of its role in nerve cell maintenance and growth. B12 deficiencies are closely linked with declines in cognitive performance, which is largely a result of impaired neuron growth and maintenance. This issue is particularly pronounced in older poeple, who tend to be deficient in B12.
Youthful Brain contains 1000mcg of B12 which is sufficient for avoiding and fixing B12 deficiencies.
Bacopa monnieri extract (50% bacosides) – DOSE UNKNOWN
Bacopa monnieri is one of the most effective nootropics in existence. Bacopa monnieri is one of the best brain supplements to use for improving memory retention and recall. Dozens of clinical trials show that Bacopa monnieri supplementation reliably improves memory function, particularly in older people, without causing side effects.
Youthful Brain contains a very powerful Bacopa monnieri extract, but unfortunately we don’t know the dose! This makes it very hard to say whether or not Youthful Brain will deliver any of the benefits associated with Bacopa monnieri, as the minimum effective dose is about 150mg.
Phosphatidylserine – DOSE UNKNOWN
Phosphatidylserine is an important phospholipid for normal brain functioning. It is an integral component of brain cell membranes; if you don’t have enough phosphatidylserine, you cannot make new brain cells. This means worse cognitive performance over time. Phosphatidylserine levels naturally decline as you get older, and supplementing with phosphatidylserine has been found to preserve cognitive function.
Some studies have found that 50-150mg of phosphatidylserine per day also improves memory and focus in young, otherwise healthy people. Unfortunately, we don’t know how much phosphatidylserine is in Youthful Brain!
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (24% glycosides, 6% terpenes) – DOSE UNKNOWN
Ginkgo biloba is a top natural nootropic. It effectively increases brain blood flow, which in turn increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your brain cells. This is why multiple independent clinical trials have shown that supplementing with Ginkgo biloba rapidly increases focus, clarity, mental energy and memory function. It is currently being studied as a treatment for vascular dementias and general cognitive decline.
Youthful Brain contains a potent Ginkgo biloba extract full of the most important active ingredients for increasing cerebral circulation. Yet once again, we don’t know how much Ginkgo biloba is in Youthful Brain. As such, we can’t say whether or not it works!
Huperzine A – DOSE UNKNOWN
Huperzine A is a fast-acting and extremely powerful focus-enhancer. It rapidly sharpens focus, increases concentration, and improves overall executive brain performance. Huperzine A works by inhibiting the enzyme which breaks down acetylcholine, the brain’s most important executive neurotransmitter. In doing so, it raises acetylcholine levels, which means enhanced focus, clarity, working memory, and faster reaction times. Huperzine A is easily among the most effective nootropics around.
While we don’t know how much Huperzine A is in Youthful Brain, the minimum active dose of this nootropic is very low (5-30mcg) so it is probably present in sufficient quantitites.
Youthful Brain Formula Analysis: Is it a good nootropic?
Is Youthful Brain really a good nootropic for older people looking to prevent cognitive decline?
There is absolutely nothing about the Vitality Now Youthful Brain formula which makes it a good option for people looking for a top quality brain supplement.
We don’t think Youthful Brain can actually deliver on its promises on improved brain health and reduced cognitive decline over the long-term.
Our main issue with Vitality Now Youthful Brain is the use of a proprietary blend. A proprietary blend is only ever used to hide a rip-off formulas; there is literally no other good reason to hide dosages!
Since every top nootropic shows the ingredient doses on the bottle, the brain supplements that hide their dosages clearly have something to hide.
In this case, what Vitality Now are hiding is the fact that there is no way all of the ingredients are dosed properly given the tiny proprietary blend. MNost likely scenario is that Youthful Brain is mostly Ginkgo biloba with tiny amounts of the other ingredients thrown in.
Aside from the proprietary blend, a big issue is the use of Huperzine A. This ingreident requires cycling. But cycling makes Bacopa monnieri and phosphatidylserine much less effective.
Overall, Youthful Brain is far from a good nootropic stack. It cannot be taken daily, which makes most of the Youthful Brain ingredients less effective. Worse still, proprietary blends are always a rip.
Better nootropic supplements for promoting long-term brain health, memory and focus are available!
Youthful Brain Side Effects: Is it safe to take?
Is Youthful Brain safe to take?
On the whole, yes. Youthful Brain is safe to take, so long as you cycle it with regular breaks. The natural brain enhancers in the formula have all been tested for safety in clinical trials. Youthful Brain is 100% natural, and it does not contain any brain-damaging chemicals.
However, it is extremely important that you take regular breaks from Youthful Brain ever couple of weeks. Otherwise the Huperzine A in Youthful Brain will begin to cause side effects.
The side effcts of using Huperzine A (and by extension Youthful Brain) for rolonged periods include:
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Loss of focus
- Poor memory function
- Low motivation
- Muscle cramps
- Poor hand-eye coordination
On the whole, Youthful Brian is safe to use for periods of 1-2 weeks. We recommend following this with a break of 1-2 weeks before starting another cycle. After 3 cycles, take a prolonged break from Youthful Brain. Users following this protocol should not experience any side effects from Youthful Brain’s ingredients.
Youthful Brain Cost: How much is this brain supplement?
How much does Youthful Brain cost?
A single bottle of Youthful Brain is priced at $64.95. If you buy two bottle, they are priced at $59.95 each, and the four botle deal gets you the bottles for $49.95 each.
Each bottle contains 60 capsules, and a serving is 2 capsules. So a bottle of Youthful Brain should last 30 days.
If buying the one-bottle option, Youthful Brain will cost you $2.16 per day – a price that rivals Qualia Mind which uses dozens of ingredients. That is outrageously expensive for such a basic nootropic using a proprietary blend.
The 4-botle deal brings the per day price of Youthful Brain down to $1.66. This is still very expensive for what you get from this natual brain supplement.
Compare this with Mind Lab Pro, which costs $1.73 per serving. This is the best nootropic on sale right now. It combines 11 nootropics with serious scientific backing, has a toally transparent formula, and covers every aspect of cognitive performance.
Where to buy Youthful Brain
Where can you buy Youthful Brain?
Youthful Brain is available for purchase from a number of different places. You can buy Youthful Brain on Amazon. Just make sure you buy from the official Vitality Now store to avoid resellers, damaged goods or poor customer service.
A better option is to buy Youthful Brain directly from Vitality Now’s online store. Buying straight from the manufacturer usually gives you the best price and avoids any of the risks associated with buying from third parties!
Vitality Now Youthful Brain Review Conclusion: Is this nootroic legit?
While many Youthful Brain reviews praise the brain supplement for its ability to promote memory, focus and menal clarity over the long-term. Vitality Now claim that Youthful Brain is effective for preserving cognitive function and brain health as you age.
But after reviewing the Youthful Brain ingredients list, we don’t see how this nootroic stack can possibly deliver on any of these promises.
Youthful Brain only contains 5 ingredients. We aren’t told how 4 of them are dosed, which is a major red flag; normally this indicates that the formula is bulked out with the cheapest ingredient and the others are only present in negligable doses – why else hide the dosages?!
The use of Huperzine A means Youthful Brain must be cycled. This severely reduces the efficacy of the other igredients in Youthful Brain, which must be taken daily over long periods to produce maximum benefits.
If you are looking for a safe, natural brain supplement to help prevent cognitive decline, improve memory function, and sharpen focus as you get older, there are better stacks on the market than Vitality Now Youthful Brain.
Looking For Something That Really Works?
See Our Current #1 Rated Cognitive Enhancer: Nooceptin
Nooceptin is our current top rated nootropic. We tried Nooceptin ourselves and found that it works exactly as advertised. Taken together, the ingredients rapidly increase focus, accelerate mental processing speeds, and enhance working memory.
Nooceptin is a truly comprehensive nootropic, providing both immediate and long-term benefits. It does not cause side effects and is considerably better value than other nootropic stacks on the market today.
Nooceptin has been found to effectively:
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The really special thing about Nooceptin, however, is its long-term effects. When taken daily for prolonged periods, Nooceptin stimulates neuron growth and improves overall brain cell health. This means it enhances cognition in a deep, meaningful way that keeps giving you benefits after you stop using it.
Simply put, Nooceptin is the ideal brain supplement for people who need to mentally perform at 100% capacity for hours on end. At $69.99 per course, we think it's hard to find a more effective and cost-effective nootropic right now.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
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