Dynamic Brain Review Summary
Dynamic Brain is a cheap proprietary blend stuffed full of useless, unproven, ineffective herbal extracts and plant powders. The chance that this nootropic is going to meaningfully increase focus, improve memory function or fight brain fog is basically zero. In other words, Dynamic Brain does not work as promised. Better nootropics are available.
Dynamic Brain Review: What does this nootropic do?
This is our Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain Review. Dynamic Brain is a cognitive function and brain supplement which is claimed to improve:
- Focus
- Cognitive Function
- Brain Health
- Fight Brain Fog
- Reduce Memory Loss
But how effective is it really? In this review, we look closer at the Dynamic Brain pill to see how effective it really is, and if there any better alternatives out there on the market.
Our main focus, is on the ingredients in this supplement, but you will also learn about the side effects, safety and how this pill compares to other memory supplements on the market.
Is Stonehenge Health legit?
Stonehenge Health is not a scam company. They make numerous health supplements and are sold widely on Amazon.com.
Stonehenge Health does not have the most positive reviews on the BBB website, but they do have a wide range of products that customers do so seem to continually purchase and use.
The Dynamic Brain supplement may not be the most impressive the market, but it’s not the product of a scam company.
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain Ingredients: What is in this nootropic?
Dynamic Brain contains the following active ingredients:
- B Vitamins (Folic Acid, B1, B2, B3, B6)
- Choline
- DMAE Bitartrate (Dimethylaminoethanol)
- L-Glutamine HCL
- Glutamic Acid
- Green Tea Extract
- Bacopa Extract
- Inositol
- N-Acetlyl L-Tyrosine
- Bilberry Fruit Extract
- Gaba (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)
- Grape Seed Extract
- Olive Leaf
- Cinnamon Bark
- Licorice Root
- Boron
- Vanadyl Sulfate
- Phosphatidylserine
- Huperzine A
As you can see, this is a rather large supplement label, and one that we have a few issues with:
- Dosages
- Ingredient Choices
The first problem with the Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain ingredients list are the dosages. As you can see, the majority of the “active” ingredients are found at the bottom within a proprietary blend.
A proprietary blend is when a supplement manufacturer chooses to hide the individual ingredients in their product behind one larger blend with a single dosage. Some of the other ingredients like the folic acid and Vitamin E are clearer, but Vitamin E and the others in the top list are not part of the brain boosting blend.
They may argue that this protects their “secret formula” but in reality it just blocks us from knowing how effective the product really is. It gives Stonehenge Health ample opportunity to underdose the more expensive, effective ingredients and overdose the cheaper filler ones.
Which brings us to our next problem: ingredient choices. More ingredients doesn’t necessarily mean better ingredients. A lot of the ingredients in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain are not that effective and actually outweigh the useful ones.
That said, these ingredients are gluten-free and Non GMO which is a positive.
But does it help you stay focused?
Below, we’ll run you through the main ingredients in this Dynamic Brain review to see how effective it really is for brain health, and what you need to know.
Choline is a standard nootropic that you see in most brain supplements, and is good for brain health. It’s a molecule that turns into acetylcholine after being absorbed which is your brain’s learning neurotransmitter.
It comes in many versions and variations, but for the best results you should be looking for Citicoline (CDP-Choline) which converts into Choline and Cytidine after ingestion. CDP-Choline is far more effective that supplementing straight choline, and we wish that was in this brain supplement instead to maximize its overall effects.
DMAE Bitartrate (Dimethylaminoethanol)
DMAE is not a good choice in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain. It is an ingredient that you typically find in products like beauty creams which claim to help with anti-aging when applied topically to the skin – not so much brain health.
At some point it was claimed that this could also help slow the aging process on the brain when consumed orally – and so it made it’s way into brain supplements.
However, there are no studies to support this. In addition, DMAE has actually been seen in some cases to cause side effects. DMAE has been linked to causing birth defects in mice which has the potential to scale up to humans.
Be careful around this supplement if you are trying for a baby.
L-Glutamine HCL / Glutamic Acid
These ingredients are both aimed at doing one thing – raising your levels of glutamine. However, the actual effects are minuscule.
Most diets contain a good amount of glutamine, and the supplement only appears to have any impact when you are deficient in it.
Having a good amount of glutamine in your system may help to reduce sugar cravings, but aside from that you’re not going to notice much of a difference when it comes actively raising your cognition.
Green Tea Extract
Green Tea has the potential to be a good ingredient in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain, but there is an issue with the dosage. Why? Because the main reason for using Green Tea in a nootropic would be for it’s L-Theanine content to help brain health.
L-Theanine is an amino acid that can help raise your alpha brain waves, which can enhance creativity and allow you to enter a state of wakeful relaxation. Focused, but without ‘on-edge’ feel that ususally comes with it.
By using just Green Tea in a proprietary blend – it’s unlikely that you’re getting a lot of L-Theanine in here. Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain would’ve been better just supplying straight L-Theanine rather than an ingredient that just contains a small amount of it.
Bacopa Extract (Bacopa Monnieri)
Bacopa Monnieri is one of the best nutrients in the Dynamic Brain supplement. Bacopa Monnieri is a herb which has strong links to learning and memory retention.
There are numerous human studies which show that Bacopa Monnieri can help slow the rate of forgetting new knowledge. It can also help with mental processing, optimizing cognition and increasing relaxation.
It does this by promoting numerous neurotransmitters in your brain such as acetylcholine, GABA and serotonin – which helps give you a better mood and a clearer head.
Inositol is one of the supporting nutrients within Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain. Inositol is a nutrient which can help support blood flow in your body.
This can help increase the amount of nutrients in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain which make it to your brain, as well as helping it get more oxygen and resources.
However, directly, Inositol is not going to have much of an effect at all on your cognition and mental processing.
N-Acetlyl L-Tyrosine
N-Acetyl L-Tyrsoine (or NALT) is a great amino acid in this brain supplement – but again, we struggle to know it’s effectiveness because the dosages are hidden.
NALT can help to synthesize catecholamine neurotransmitters which help memory, mood and memory processing. These are dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
When you’re supplementing N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine it can help improve your working memory under tougher conditions like stress and sleep deprivation. It can help you stay focused for longer, even when the going gets tough.
Bilberry Fruit Extract
There’s some research that shows Bilberry may help to improve long-term memory in older adults. However, there is not a lot of support for this at the moment.
Considering the potentially small dosage as well it’s unlikely that it will have a big effect here.
Gaba (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)
GABA is a vital neurotransmitter in your body which can help reduce anxiety and increase mood. However, it may not be the best option in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain.
The main reason being supplementing it orally doesn’t always have the best results.
Licorice Root
We’re unsure why Licorice has been used in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain. Licorice root has been linked in numerous studies to decreasing testosterone and increasing your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
It is not an ideal choice for any brain supplement – or any nootropic in general.
DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is one of the main omega-3s that your body needs to function, and is typically found in foods like fatty fish. Supplementing it can help support brain function in adults.
It has been seen in studies to help learning and numerous other cognitive benefits.
Vanadyl Sulfate
A more confusing ingredient in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain. Vanadyl Sulfate helps with muscle insulin sensitivity in those with Type 2 diabetes.
There is insufficient evidence for it helping with memory, cognition or anything else regarding brain and / or mental health.
Phosphatidylserine can help to improve memory, fight cognitive decline and even increase mood. It even been seen to help the elderly with brain degeneration. This is one of the better ingredients in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain – so why is it so effective?
Phosphatidylserine makes up to 15% of the fats in your brain. It can help promote neurotransmitter acetylcholine and dopamine – it can also help with brain glucose metabolism.
Another key benefit is Phosphatidylserine’s ability to increase NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) which helps brain cells creation, maintenance and repair. This can also help with removing toxic brain cells and removing damaged ones.
However, you need at least 100 mg of Phosphatidylserine to see any real effects when it comes to cognitive boosting. As Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain only has their phosphatidylserine within a proprietary blend – it’s highly unlikely that you’re getting enough in here for it to be effective.
Huperzine A
This is not a great addition to Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain. Huperzine A is a brain supplement which has been claimed to promote focus and concentration. However, research shows that longer term use can lead to a tolerance building up and the supplement becoming ineffective.
Not only that, there are numerous side effects which have been linked to Huperzine A.
It’s not that effective, and it’s riskier than other choices in this supplement. Overall it’s not a good product.
Dynamic Brain Ingredients Review: How effective is this brain supplement?
As you can see, there’s a lot of ingredients in Dynamic Brain. Some good – a lot not so good.
Here’s a list of what we think are the most effective in this product:
- Choline
- Bacopa
- N-Acetly-L-Tyrosine
- Phosphatidylserine
However, everything else in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain, may not have much of an impact at all.
To make matters worse, nearly all of the active ingredients in this product are part of a proprietary blend. You don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it really is overall.
So even the good in here could be incredibly underdosed and not worth your time to begin with.
In closing, it’s nowhere near as effective as some of the best nootropics we’ve seen on the market.
Dynamic Brain Side Effects: Is it safe to use?
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain has links to causing some side effects. This comes down to the Huperzine A, DMAE and Licorice root in this nootropic brain supplement.
Below, we’ll look at these ingredients in more detail to see how they may cause side effects, and what potential risks you may be taking when using Dynamic Brain.
DMAE is the first ingredient that we’ll be looking at for side effects in Dynamic Brain. DMAE has links to causing birth defects in mice. Although these side effects may not scale up to affect humans – this is largely untested, and could possibly be the case.
If you’re currently trying for a baby, we strongly suggest that you avoid Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain for this reason.
Huperzine A on the other hand is a nootropic which has been seen to be ineffective in a number of cases. Although there are some initial benefits, these appear to fade with repeated use as your body builds more tolerance to it.
It also has some potential side effects. Huperzine A has been seen to potentially cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, sweating, and more.
If you’re particularly sensitive to supplements, we suggest giving Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain a miss to ensure that you don’t run into any danger.
Licorice Root is another ingredient in Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain which has been linked to causing side effects. Regular consumption of licorice overal several weeks has been linked to higher blood pressure, low potassium levels, irregular heart rhythm and more.
This is far more side effects that you would get in most standard nootropic brain supplements, and the fact that it’s all in one big proprietary blend worsens the problem. You don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting making it hard to judge how much of an effect these are going to have on you overtime.
Dynamic Brain VS Prevagen: Which is the better for brain health?
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain is a better choice than Prevagen. Dynamic Brain has far more ingredients which makes it a more appealing option, whereas Prevagen only has two ingredients.
Don’t get us wrong though – neither of these nootropics are anywhere close to being a perfect brain supplement. So why did we choose Dynamic Brain?
Prevagen only has two ingredients: Vitamin D3 and Apoaequorin. Apoaequorin is a jellyfish protein which has no link to improving cognition. Vitamin D3 does have some benefits – but it will not deliver any real benefit from a nootropics perspective.
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain on the other hand contains Choline, Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine and DHA – which all some proven benefit for improving brain health and cognition.
Although the majority of their dosages in here are unknown, it is still more than what Prevagen has which is a solid zero.
Dynamic Brain is a better brain supplement than Prevagen – but it is still far from effective.
Dynamic Brain vs Provasil
Another nootropic that often gets compared to Dynamic Brain is Provasil.
The reason these two nootropics get compared so frequently is that one of the websites reviewing Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain recommends Provasil as a superior alternative. Some readers may notice that this particular site is the only nootropics review website recommending Provasil. The reason for this is that they own Provasil.
In reality, Provasil is a cheap scam nootropic. It contains a good few nootropic ingredients which have been proven to work in clinical trials. But the dosages in Provasil are so small in most cases that it is pointless to take the ingredients at all.
So while we think Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain is a deeply flawed nootropic stack, it is significantly better than Provasil.
Where To Buy Dynamic Brain
During our review process, we found Dynamic Brain for sale from numerous online retailers including Amazon.
Walmart, Walgreens and CVS all appeared to have stock of Dynamic Brain at the time of writing this review.
Dynamic Brain Cost
Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain currently retails for $53.99 on Amazon.com. Walmart, CVS and Walgreens all list it for a similar price. As far as we know you cannot buy Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain straight from the manufacturer.
Review Summary: Should you Buy Dynamic Brain?
In conclusion to our review, we do not think that Dynamic Brain is the best option for your brains no the market at the moment.
Although it contains numerous ingredients including B Vitamins, Vitamin E and numerous other healthy options – when it comes to the actual brain boosting, Stonehenge Health falls short.
As a customer, you expect some form of transparency from the company you’re buying from, and Stonehenge Health have taken a lot of that away with the use of proprietary blends. You don’t know how much of each of the main ingredients you’re getting or how effective it will be overall.
This stops you from knowing if this is actually going to be an effective supplement – as you can not see the dosages and we’ve seen quite a few customer reviews on Amazon that reflect this. Not to mention that some of the ingredients in this product have been linked to causing side effects.
In our opinion, there are definitely better options out there on the market.
Looking For Something That Really Works?
See Our Current #1 Rated Cognitive Enhancer: Nooceptin
Nooceptin is our current top rated nootropic. We tried Nooceptin ourselves and found that it works exactly as advertised. Taken together, the ingredients rapidly increase focus, accelerate mental processing speeds, and enhance working memory.
Nooceptin is a truly comprehensive nootropic, providing both immediate and long-term benefits. It does not cause side effects and is considerably better value than other nootropic stacks on the market today.
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The really special thing about Nooceptin, however, is its long-term effects. When taken daily for prolonged periods, Nooceptin stimulates neuron growth and improves overall brain cell health. This means it enhances cognition in a deep, meaningful way that keeps giving you benefits after you stop using it.
Simply put, Nooceptin is the ideal brain supplement for people who need to mentally perform at 100% capacity for hours on end. At $69.99 per course, we think it's hard to find a more effective and cost-effective nootropic right now.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of Vagarights.com and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
What are the better options?
What are the better options and why?
Thank you for the first honest review of this or any brain enhancing product I’ve come across. All the others were linked to the companies who produced them in the first place, getting commissions on anything sold from their reviews. I’ll be checking out your other reviews as well.
This Dynamic Brain review is by a company supporting a different product… no conflict of interest …riiigghht!
Hi, thanks for commenting. If we thought Dynamic Brain was a great nootropic, we’d say so. We would then be supporting that brand, so would our opinion of it be suspect? Or is it only a biased opinion when it is critical of Dynamic Brain? Our Dynamic Brain review is completely impartial and honest in every regard.
Thanks for the feedback Cris. Our Dynamic Brain review is indeed completely impartial. We recommend the nootropics that we genuinely believe to be the best on the market. As well as our nootropic supplement reviews, we strongly recommend checking out some of our informational articles on natural nootropics and cognitive enhancement more broadly.
Are you able to say what the better options are?
Will Stonehenge Health Dynamic Brain effect someone on blood thinner? Is the BP increase significant to one on meds for elevated BP?
Could you tell me if Dynamic Brain would have any effect on my replacement heart valves. I had open heart surgery to replace aortic and tricuspid valves
Do noocube and dynamic brain supplement have any negative effect on someone on a blood thinner medication?