VAGARIGHTS only exists thanks to the efforts of a number of hard working, dedicated individuals. So obviously, as educated readers, you’re going to want to know who these people are!
It’s important to us that you know where we’re coming from, what our experiences are, and how we approach bio-hacking.
The main reason this is important is so you know that we know what we’re talking about. If you don’t think our credentials or experience is enough to justify our claims, then that’s fine – but it should be your call to make. Nobody should expect you to listen to them without explaining who they are or what they’ve done.
But it’s also important because you need to know what we class as a “good” nootropic, sleep aid, or multivitamin.
After all, what counts as cognitive enhancement for one person might be totally different to what you want to get out of nootropics. So you’ll want to know how we use nootropics, sleep aids, and health supplements – our hobbies, careers, etc.
Our Contributors
Brian Johnson
Brian is the Editor of and the site’s main contributor. All of the content on this site gets his approval before being published. The vast majority of the supplement reviews and articles on here have been written by Brian, although this will not always be the case.
Brian originally edited, which has now been merged into, the home of all biohacking content published under the VAGA brand. Brian started the site because he was sick of seeing people giving out terrible advice related to nootropics, sleep hacking, and bio-hacking in general. In his opinion, most of the websites out there dedicated to bio-hacking, cognitive enhancement, and sleep are all too focused on following hype and trends. Not enough of them focus exclusively on clinical data and scientific reasoning.
Brian has a Master’s Degree in Psychology. He also has over 15 years of experience using nootropics, sleep enhancers, greens powders, and research chemicals. Over the course of those 15 years he believes he has learned what works, what doesn’t, and what does but with unacceptable risks. It is this wealth of experience – coupled with a proper scientific education – which he shares on VAGA. You can learn more about Brian Johnson here.
What VAGA Is Not – Disclaimer
It is very important that you are aware of what this site is not about. is not a site to come for medical advice. None of our contributors are practicing medical doctors. Therefore, none of them are qualified to give health advice. They merely draw on publicly available research and decades of combined experience to give you information they believe to be accurate and useful.
Nothing written on this site is intended to be medical advice. If you believe that you have a serious health problem, be it a chronic sleep issue or a rapidly declining memory, you need to go to a qualified physician.