AddTabz Review Summary
AddTabz describes itself as a kind of natural Adderall. In reality, this is a cheap brain pill containing an unknown amount of caffeine and a handful of very questionable stimulants. There are some good nootropics in here, but since we aren’t told the dose, we can be prety certain they are not present in decent dosages. AddTabz is nothing short of a scam in our opinion. There are much more effective nootropic supplements out there to help you focus.
AddTabz Review: Legal Adderall alternative?
AddTabz is a nootropic supplement which markets itself as a kind of natural Adderall alternative. Most of the supplements sold as “over the counter Adderall” have historically been scams. It’s easy to see why; no natural nootropic can replace Adderall for the treatment of ADHD, so positioning a product as an Adderall substitute is purposefully misleading.
The question is, is AddTabz another scam Adderall substitute?
According to the manufacturer, AddTabz can:
- Increase mental energy
- Sharpen focus
- Increase concentration span
So, does AddTabz really work?
Is this nootropic really effective? Is AddTabz safe? Will it cause side effects? How does it compare to the best nootropics on sale today? Read our full AddTabz review below to find out.
AddTabz Ingredients
What is in AddTabz?
This is the most important question for an AddTabz review to cover, as the ingredients dictate the effectiveness of a nootropic. Here is the AddTabz ingredients list shown on the bottle:
Here is a list of AddTabz’s ingredients with doses (those that are known):
- Folic acid – 1000mcg
- Citicoline
- Caffeine anhydrous
- Synephrine hydrochloride
- Choline bitartrate
- Octopamine hydrochloride
Below is a detailed overview of each AddTabz ingredient. In each case, we’ve explained what the ingredient does (or doesn’t do) for brain function. We highlight any available scientific evidence, and then tell you what we make of the formula as a whole. Please post questions in the comments section at the end.
Folic acid – 1000mcg
Folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9 (as folate), is a vital nutrient needed for proper nerve cell formation and functioning. Dozens of independent studies show that folic acid supplementation has a positive effect on cognitive function, with particularly pronounced effects on memory. A small number of clinical trials have found that folic acid supplementation is effective for improving cognitive in people with mild age-related cognitive impairment. AddTabz provides a 1000mcg dose of folic acid, which is much more than we need.
Citicoline – DOSE UNKNOWN
Citicoline is a superb natural nootropic. Also known as CDP-Choline when it is in the brain, this cholinergic rapidly sharpens focus, increases information processing speeds, and increases healthy brain cell formation.
Citicoline is one of the most efficient ways of increasing choline levels in the brain, which in turn promotes acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine; two vital substances for proper brain function. However, we have no idea how much Citicoline is in each serving of ADDTabz. The minimum effective dose of Citicoline is around 150mg. With 4 other ingredients to contend with (including another choline source) in the 375mg AddTabz ingredients proprietary blend, how likely is it that you’re getting 200mg? Not very!
Caffeine anhydrous – DOSE UNKNOWN
Caffeine anhydrous is simply caffeine that has been dehydrated. With all of its water molecules removed, this form of caffeine is more concentrated and powerful on a gram for gram basis than regular caffeine. Caffeine is a potent and effective nootropic when used correctly.
But there’s a problem. Because the AddTabz ingredients as thrown together in a proprietary blend, we have no idea how much caffeine anhydrous we get per serving. This is a real problem. Most people feel effects from 50mg of normal caffeine. AddTabz could contain 300mg of caffeine anhydrous for all we know, which would be an extremely dangerous dose!
Synephrine hydrochloride – DOSE UNKNOWN
Synephrine is a synthetic stimulant. It is not a nootropic, and it has absolutely no place in a nootropic supplement like AddTabz. Synephrine is said to have a similar structure to ephedrine, the ultra-powerful stimulant. Just because something has a similar molecular structure does not mean it has similar effects, and there is indeed no evidence that synephrine acts like ephedrine. But even if it did, we would NOT WANT THIS in a nootropic! Synephrine is more suited to cheap weight loss supplements than a brain supplement like AddTabz.
Choline bitartrate – DOSE UNKNOWN
Choline bitartrate is a cholinergic like Citicoline. It delivers choline to the brain, which raises availability of acetylcholine (the brain’s main executive neurotransmitter) and phosphatidylcholine (a structural component of brain cell membranes). However, choline bitartrate is not a very efficient cholinergic. The minimum recommended dose of choline bitartrate is around 500mg; that’s more than the entire AddTabz proprietary blend!
The fact that AddTabz uses both Citicoline and Choline bitartrate is a big red flag. There’s no need to use two cholinergics. The best nootropics all just use a high quality cholinergic. AddTabz has probably used a tiny amount of Citicoline and then gone heavy on the (much cheaper) choline bitartrate.
Octopamine hydrochloride – DOSE UNKNOWN
If you’ve never heard of the nootropic Octopamine before, then you’re not alone. When we looked into this ingredient, we thought it was a joke! Octopamine is a neurotransmitter found in invertebrates. While the makers of AddTabz and other scam nootropics may be spineless, you are not an invertebrate! Needless to say, this substance has no nootropic effects; it does not improve memory, focus, learning, energy, or clarity. This stuff could make up 90% of the AddTabz proprietary blend for all we know – A BIG PROBLEM!
AddTabz Formula Analysis: Does it really work?
AddTabz is a scam. It’s as simple as that. This nootropic markets itself as a kind of natural Adderall alternative. But looking at the formula, nothing could be further from the truth. If you have ADD or ADHD, then it’s likely that AddTabz will actually make your condition worse.
The main problem with AddTabz is the substantial side effect risks it poses. AddTabz contains an unknown amount of caffeine anhydrous. Anything over 100mg of caffeine anhydrous is likely to cause side effects; AddTabz could contain anywhere up to 350mg per serving.
Throw in the added risk from synephrine and the totally untested octopamine, and we have a recipe for serious side effects here.
Then there’s the ridiculous double-dosing of cholinergics. AddTabz’s ingredients list contains two cholinergics: Choline bitartrate and Citicoline.
Choline bitartrate is far from the most efficient cholinergic in the world. The minimum active dose is around 400mg – more than the AddTabz proprietary blend! Citicoline is a much more effective cholinergic, but why include both? As it is much more expensive, it’s highly likely that there’s almost no Citicoline in AddTabz.
Finally, there’s the Octopamine. This is a completely untested, unproven ingredient. Octopamine is a neurotransmitter found in invertebrates. It has no business being in any supplement made for human consumption.
AddTabz is not a good nootropic. The chances that it will actually improve cognitive function is almost nil. It is a complete rip-off full of useless fillers and dangerous stimulants. We’d go as far as to say that AddTabz is a scam. Much better nootropics are available elsewhere for sure!
AddTabz Side Effects: Is it safe?
Is AddTabz safe?
No, AddTabz is not safe. We do not recommend this nootropic to anybody; the side effect and long-term health risks are simply too great for us to recommend this brain supplement to anybody!
AddTabz contains an unknown dose of caffeine. For all we know, each serving of AddTabz could contain 370mg of caffeine. To make things worse, AddTabz uses caffeine anhydrous, which is more potent that regular caffeine by weight, making side effects even more likely!
For reference, 100mg of caffeine is enough to cause side effects in 99% of people. Anything over 200mg is going to cause serious side effects, so the chance that there is 300mg or more in AddTabz makes it a BIG NO for us!
Not only is AddTabz likely just a caffeine pill, but it also contains other stimulants. Synephrine is a stimulant with no proven benefits and a long list of potential side effects. Synephrine likely interacts with caffeine in a negative way.
The side effects of using AddTabz likely include:
- Jitters
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Elevated heart rate
- Shortness of breath
- Heart palpitations
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Energy crashes
- Insomnia
Since the chances of getting any benefit from AddTabz are slim, these side effect risks are totally unacceptable. There are dozens of nootropic stacks on the market today that deliver many more benefits than AddTabz without causing side effects!
AddTabz Review Conclusion: Should you use this “natural Adderall”?
AddTabz looks like a terrible nootropic overall. No matter how you look at it, AddTabz is a low quality brain supplement that is highly unlikely to deliver the sort of benefits you’re looking for.
The idea that AddTabz can act as a kind of “natural Adderall alternative” is laughable!
AddTabz is almost certainly just stuffed full of caffeine and synephrine to give the impression that it is enhancing your cognitive performance, when in reality it is just overloading you with stimulants. Why else would the maker lump all the ingredients together in a proprietary blend? This is only ever done to hide the fact you’re being ripped off!
If you want to enhance memory, focus, learning and mental energy, there are much better and safer ways to go about it. Using a high quality natural nootropic stack can enhance every aspect of cognitive function without relying on stimulants or unproven ingredients like in AddTabz.
Our #1 Rated OTC Study Aid: Vyvamind
Vyvamind is our top rated over the counter study aid. This nootropic stack is easily the best supplement for quickly enhancing focus, increasing processing speeds and boosting mental energy that money can buy. Vyvamind has been purposefully designed to offer you a broad spectrum of cognitive enhancements without you needing to have a prescription, and without worrying about the side effects that come with using synthetic smart drugs and prescription ADHD medications like Vyvanse and Adderall.
The benefits of using Vyvamind include:
- 100% legal and available OTC
- No need for prescription
- Rapidly sharpens focus and boosts concentration
- Increases mental energy and stamina
- Safe and side effect-free
If you are considering using powerful study drugs or synthetic nootropic stimulants, then it is defintiely worth considering Vyvamind. We tried this nootropic and it genuinely goes a long way to replicating the effects of pharmaceutical-grade study drugs but without the negative side effects.

Brian Johnson is current Editor of and a long-time writer for VAGA. A former psychologist, Brian is passionate about improving mental health and finding ways to stave off cognitive decline. He is an expert on nootropics, cognitive enhancement and biohacking more broadly. You can see his work on Google scholar.
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